Sunday, July 16, 2006

only human

I have come to recognize that I am only human. I make mistakes; I'm not perfect and never will be. (Who needs that kind of pressure?) And though the relationships in my past did not work out, they certainly didn't fail either. They did exactly what they were supposed to do – left me with some great memories (and some not-so-great ones), but more importantly, brought me a little closer to figuring out what I want out of life...

In a relationship, you can't change the other person – you need to accept and love them for exactly who they are – and also find a way to stay true to yourself, to stay true to your own needs and limitations. It's a fine line, but a well balanced one. I can't say I always manage to walk it without slipping, but at least I know where the line is now.

I have learned the value of trust, of respect…and I know that I deserve equal measures of both. I surround myself with the people I love; the people who make me laugh and are still there when I cry. The people that I know will always be a part of my life. And now, I am living MY dreams. I am realizing those dreams that make my heart sing…some I share with others, and some are just for me.

No one will ever change the person that I am – unless I allow it. I have learned from some of my mistakes, I'm still learning from the ones I'm making – but most importantly, I'm living – I'm living my life to the fullest that I can. And I won't regret a minute of it."